Spring things
This time of year is so exciting. I love spotting signs of spring developing and here are some images from my camera roll this week.

Hazel catkins and pink female flower on the bud, in the morning spring

Witch hazel flowers - these are amazing. I’ve drawn them this week too. I’ll pop them in another blog post.

The hawthorn is bursting into leaf - I first spotted some on Saturday and since then have spotted it everywhere!

The Willow leaves are also growing fast - the whole tree is glowing in it’s lime green glory.

The Blackthorn blossom is also about to burst - the little flowers will be open in no time if the sun continues!

The sycamore buds are growing! Won’t be long before these start to open.

Looking really closely at the Larch I spotted some brand new needles starting to form too! Soon there will be so much bright green about!

I also spotted Ash flowers this week - they caught my eye just above my head and I had to pull the branch down to see properly, but sure enough there they were!

I love the colours here - the Hellebores and the snowdrops - this was taken at Croft Castle at the weekend.

Some winter honeysuckle -also spotted at Croft Castle.

Blossom spotting continued at Croft Castle!