I have received many lovely comments in the past asking for some guidelines or pointers of how to begin drawing.
I have put this digital guide together in response to this.
I strongly believe that the most important thing is just to start, not to worry and put off beginning until you have fancy paper or paints.
This guide has been created based on my in person workshop - just without me and without materials that I provide for that. Many of the exercises remain the same however.
I have made this guide something that can be done at home, just using the materials you can find around the house. My hope for this is that it encourages you to find a pencil and have a go. There are a range of exercises to have a go at, all with the aim of making a mark on the page and starting the process of drawing without getting caught up on worrying about the end product.
This is a 10 page guide for you to do as and how you fancy - all in one go, with others that are around you or that you are in touch with, or on your own. You could do one exercise a day, all in one session or, ideally keep doing one of the exercises each day.